The appointment of W. H. Bragg, F. R. S. to the University of Adelaide



TWO of the more important figures in 20th century science have been William Henry Bragg (1) and his elder son William Lawrence Bragg (2). Less fully studied and understood are the formative years of W. H. Bragg’s academic and research career, which were spent in Australia, where, in addition, W. L. Bragg was born, raised and educated. W. H. Bragg was appointed Elder Professor of Mathematics and Experimental Physics in the University of Adelaide late in 1885; at the age of 23 years and very soon after he graduated from the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos. It may be conceded that such a young man needed time to mature and to learn the ways of the academic world, but nevertheless it seems curious that his first 17 years in Australia should have involved little more than wide social popularity, a passion for golf and painting in water-colours, ‘bicycle tours and picnics during the long lazy summer vacations by the sea’, a flirtation with X-rays, and generally ‘ a pleasant and useful life as a popular teacher and good friend in the Adelaide community’ (3).


The Royal Society


History and Philosophy of Science

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