Historical roots of centrosome research: discovery of Boveri's microscope slides in Würzburg


Scheer Ulrich1


1. Cell and Developmental Biology, Theodor-Boveri-Institute, Biocentre of the University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany


Boveri's visionary monograph ‘Ueber die Natur der Centrosomen’ (On the nature of centrosomes) in 1900 was founded primarily on microscopic observations of cleaving eggs of sea urchins and the roundworm parasite Ascaris . As Boveri wrote in the introductory paragraph, his interests were less about morphological aspects of centrosomes, but rather aimed at an understanding of their physiological role during cell division. The remarkable transition from observations of tiny dot-like structures in fixed and sectioned material to a unified theory of centrosome function (which in essence still holds true today) cannot be fully appreciated without examining Boveri's starting material, the histological specimens. It was generally assumed that the microscope slides were lost during the bombing of the Zoological Institute in Würzburg at the end of WWII. Here, I describe the discovery of a number of Boveri's original microscope slides with serial sections of early sea urchin and Ascaris embryos, stained by Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin method. Some slides bear handwritten notes and sketches by Boveri. Evidence is presented that the newly discovered slides are part of the original material used by Boveri for his seminal centrosome monograph.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference26 articles.

1. Ueber den Antheil des Spermatozoon an der Teilung des Eies;Boveri T;Sitzungsber. Ges. Morph. Physiol. München,1887

2. The discovery of meiosis by E. Van Beneden, a breakthrough in the morphological phase of heredity;Hamoir G;Int. J. Dev. Biol.,1992

3. Nouvelle recherches sur la fécondation et la division mitosique chez l'Ascaride mégalocéphale;van Beneden E;Bull. Acad. Royale Belgique 3éme sér.,1887

4. Ueber Centrosomen bei Ascaris megalocephala

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1. A Laser Damage Threshold for Microscope Glass Slides;Photonics;2023-08-24

2. Control of centrosome distal appendages assembly and disassembly;Cells & Development;2023-06

3. Centrosomes and Centrioles;Encyclopedia of Cell Biology;2023

4. Emerging roles of centrosome cohesion;Open Biology;2022-10

5. Computational benchmarking of putative KIFC1 inhibitors;Medicinal Research Reviews;2022-09-14








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