This note is a supplement to a paper on the reflection of X-rays by crystals which has been recently communicated to the Royal Society. It is there shown that the wave-length of a homogeneous beam of X-rays can be found accurately in terms of the spacing of the elements of a crystal. There has been some doubt as to the actual arrangement of the atoms in the crystal and in consequence it was not possible in the paper quoted to draw any final conclusions as to wave-length values. From the work now described by W. L. Bragg it appears that the reflection phenomena lead to a more definite knowledge of crystal structure, and we may now complete various quantitative determinations. The elementary volume in rock-salt is a cube with 1 atom of sodium at each of four corners and 1 atom of chlorine at each of the other four. In other words the number of elementary volumes in any space of measurable dimensions is equal to the number of atoms in that space.
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