The effect of occluded hydrogen on the tensile strength of iron



For many years attention has been directed to the embrittling of iron and steel by acid, and it is generally considered that the embrittling is due to the occlusion of hydrogen by the metal. This subject is of particular importance in those branches of the iron and steel industry where acid is used to remove oxide from the surface of the metal before tinning, galvanizing, wire-drawing, etc. There is also some reason to suppose that certain boiler failures may be connected with the occlusion of hydrogen by the metal. A lorge number of investigations dealing with various aspects of the subject have been published, notably by Longmuir (1), Andrew (2), Fuller (3), Coulson (4), Parr (5), Watts and Fleckenstein (6), Langdon and Grossman (7) and Edwards (8).


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference19 articles.

1. Longmuir 4Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute ' No. 1 p. 163 (1911).

2. J. H. Andrew 4Transactions of the Faraday Society ' vol. 9 p. 316 (1913).

3. T. S. Fuller 4Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society ' vol. 32 p. 247 (1917) and vol. 36 p. 113 (1919).

4. Coulson 4Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society ' vol. 32 p. 237 (1917).

5. {5) S. W. P arr 4University of Illinois Bulletin No. 18 ' (January 1917).







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