The following paper is a study of the surface waves caused by a doublet in a uniform stream, and in particular the variation in the pattern with the velocity of the stream or the depth of the doublet. In most recent work on this subject attention has been directed more to the wave resistance, which can be evaluated with less difficulty than is involved in a detailed study of the waves; in fact, it would seem that it is not necessary for that purpose to know the surface elevation completely, but only certain significant terms at large distances from the disturbance. Recent experimental work has shown considerable agreement between theoretical expressions for wave resistance and results for ship models of simple form, and attempts have been made at a similar comparison for the surface elevation in the neighbourhood of the ship. In the latter respect it may be necessary to examine expressions for the surface elevation with more care, as they are not quite determinate; any suitable free disturbance may be superposed upon the forced waves. For instance, it is well known that in a frictionless liquid a possible solution is one which gives waves in advance as well as in the rear of the ship, and the practical solution is obtained by superposing free waves which annul those in advance, or by some equivalent artifice. This process is simple and definite for an ideal point disturbance, but for a body of finite size or a distributed disturbance the complete surface elevation in the neighbourhood of the body requires more careful specification as regards the local part due to each element. It had been intended to consider some expressions specially from this point of view, but as the matter stands at present it would entail a very great amount of numerical calculation, and the present paper is limited to a much simpler problem although also involving considerable computation. A horizontal doublet of given moment is at a depth
below the surface of a stream of velocity
; the surface effect may be described as a local disturbance symmetrical fore and aft of the doublet together with waves to the rear. Two points are made in the following work.
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