The spectrum of H 2 . The Bands analogous to the parhelium line spectrum.—Part IV



14. The system 1 O →2 1 S. Similar to 1 A → 2 1 S but weaker and with ∊ = 0. Lowest level j =1/2. Branches P and R. v e = 22814. 15. The Progression 1 Q → 2 1 S. Of the same type as 1 O → 2 1 S but with a much larger value of B. Lowest level j = 1 1/2. Branches P and R. v e = 21843. 16. The progression λ 4142∙801. Single branches. If Q lowest j = 3 1/2, v 0 = 24367∙17. The progression λ4097∙433. Single branches. If Q lowest j = 2 1/2, v 0 = 24447. 18. The infra-red system. These bands are close to where the bands whose initial states are the initial states of Werner's ultra-violet bands should lie. P and R but no Q branches. Gale, Monk and Lee's wave-numbers of the lines of this system preceded by Kapuscinski and Eymers' intensities and followed by Gale, Monk and Lee's (in brackets) ares set out in Table XXX. It is not a very strong system and consists of three progressions. If is intermediate in character between the groups of systems 1 A, 1 B and 1C → 2 1 S and 1 K, 1 L and 1 M → 2 1 S, but nearer to 1 A, 1 B and 1 C than to 1 K, 1 L and 1 M. There is no great disparity between the strength of the P and R branches in this system. There is disagreement int he intensity data for the line 2' → 1'' P (5). Gale, Monk and Lee's estimate is (1) and Kapuscinski and Eymers' measure is 112.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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