Stress distribution in a rectangular plate having two opposing edges sheared in opposite directions



The type of deformation under investigation is indicated by fig. 1. A rectangular plate ABCD is deformed into the shape A'B'C'D'. The two opposing edges AB, CD are shifted horizontally without alteration of length into the position A'B', C'D', the other boundaries AD, BC being kept free from external stress. In a paper which appeared in the 'Proc. Royal Society', December 28, 1911, Prof. E. G. Coker investigated this same type of deformation using optical methods to determine the distribution of stress along the centre line OX. He found that if the plate was square the shear stress along OX was distributed in a munner which was approximately parabolic. As the ratio of AD to AB decreased the curve of distribution first of all became flat-topped, and for yet smaller ratios two distinct humps made their appearance.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Cited by 3 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Analysis of fracture mechanisms of ultrathin glass for flexible cover window under pen drop conditions;Journal of the American Ceramic Society;2022-09-10

2. A Simple Method of investigating the Creep of Metals under Simple Shear;Nature;1960-08

3. Shearing displacement of a rectangular plate;Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society;1949-04







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