1. In a recent paper Houston has proposed an explanation of the extraction of electrons from metals by intense electric fields, which is based upon Sommerfeld’s modification of the Lorentz electron theory of metals. The writer has also investigated this problem from the same standpoint, but reached the conclusion that such an explanation is inadequate, at least in its present form. Houston’s paper should, however, be regarded as a treatment of the Schottky effect for very intense fields, but, as will be shown, if the Sommerfeld electron theory is accepted the expression for the Schottky effect should be modified, and this modification becomes significant at high fields. The object of this paper then is (1) to derive an expression on the Sommerfeld theory for the thermionic current in the presence of an electric field, and (2) to point out the difficulties in the way of accepting this effect as the correct explanation of the “field currents” examined in detail by Millikan and Eyring, Gossling, del Rosario, and others. In the course of the paper it will be necessary to work out the volume distribution,
i. e
., degree of penetration, of a surface electrical charge on the basis of the Sommerfeld electron theory.
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