Thomas Young’s lectures at the Royal Institution



Thomas Young, F. R. S. (1773-1829) achieved renown not only for the original contributions which he made to physics but also, to a lesser extent, for his work in the fields of hieroglyphics, physiology and classics. Yet he was a professional scientist for only two years (1802-1803), when he held the chair of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution. In this paper Young’s progress during these two years will be examined, firstly from a biographical point of view and secondly with respect to the development of his scientific ideas. In both these sections the emphasis will be on the lectures in natural philosophy which he delivered before the Royal Institution in 1802 and repeated in the following year. The second section will be mainly devoted to an analysis of the contents of the notebooks in which he kept the notes for his lectures (1).


The Royal Society


History and Philosophy of Science

Cited by 34 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. David Brewster’s and William Herschel’s experiments on inflection that delivered the coup de grâce to Thomas Young’s ether distribution hypothesis;Annals of Science;2023-12-08

2. Introduction;The Last Man Who Knew Everything;2023-05-09

3. Preface;The Last Man Who Knew Everything;2023-05-09

4. Foreword;The Last Man Who Knew Everything;2023-05-09

5. Postscript;The Last Man Who Knew Everything;2023-05-09







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