Systematic review of soil ecosystem services in tropical regions


Rodrigues Aline F.12ORCID,Latawiec Agnieszka E.1234ORCID,Reid Brian J.4,Solórzano Alexandro1ORCID,Schuler Azeneth E.5ORCID,Lacerda Carine1ORCID,Fidalgo Elaine C. C.5ORCID,Scarano Fabio R.67ORCID,Tubenchlak Fernanda2ORCID,Pena Ingrid12ORCID,Vicente-Vicente Jose Luis8ORCID,Korys Katarzyna A.2ORCID,Cooper Miguel9ORCID,Fernandes Nelson F.10ORCID,Prado Rachel B.5ORCID,Maioli Veronica2ORCID,Dib Viviane26ORCID,Teixeira Wenceslau G.5ORCID


1. Department of Geography and Environment – Rio Conservation and Sustainability Science Centre, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22451-000, Brazil

2. International Institute for Sustainability, R. Dona Castorina 124 22460-320, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

3. Department of Production Engineering, Logistic and Applied Computer Sciences, Faculty of Production and Power Engineering, University of Agriculture in Kraków, Balicka 116B, 30-149, Kraków, Poland

4. University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

5. Embrapa Soils, R. Jardim Botânico, 1024, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22460-000, Brazil

6. Department of Ecology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

7. Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – BPBES, Campinas, SP, Brazil

8. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Eberswalder Str. 84 15374 Müncheberg, Germany

9. Department of Soil Science, University of São Paulo/ESALQ, Pádua Dias Av. 1, Piracicaba, SP 13418-900, Brazil

10. Department of Geography, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil


Soil ecosystem service (SES) approaches evidence the importance of soil for human well-being, contribute to improving dialogue between science and decision-making and encourage the translation of scientific results into public policies. Herein, through systematic review, we assess the state of the art of SES approaches in tropical regions. Through this review, 41 publications were identified; while most of these studies considered SES, a lack of a consistent framework to define SES was apparent. Most studies measured soil natural capital and processes, while only three studies undertook monetary valuation. Although the number of publications increased (from 1 to 41), between 2001 and 2019, the total number of publications for tropical regions is still small. Countries with the largest number of publications were Brazil ( n = 8), Colombia ( n = 6) and Mexico ( n = 4). This observation emphasizes an important knowledge gap pertaining to SES approaches and their link to tropical regions. With global momentum behind SES approaches, there is an opportunity to integrate SES approaches into policy and practice in tropical regions. The use of SES evaluation tools in tropical regions could transform how land use decisions are informed, mitigating soil degradation and protecting the ecosystems that soil underpins.


The Royal Society



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