XII. An account of some attempts to imitate the effects of the torpedo by electricity.



Although the proofs brought by Mr. Walsh, that the phenomena of the torpedo are produced by electricity, are such as leave little room for doubt; yet it must be confessed, that there are some circumstances, which at first sight seem scarcely to be reconciled with this supposition. I propose, therefore, to examine whether these circumstances are really incompatible with such an opinion; and to give an account of some attempts to imitate the effects of this animal by electricity. It appears from Mr. Walsh's experiments, that the torpedo is not constantly electrical, but hath a power of throwing at pleasure a great quantity of electric fluid from one surface of those parts which he calls the electrical organs to the other; that is, from the upper surface to the lower, or from the lower to the upper, the experiments do not determine which; by which means a shock is produced in the body of a person who makes any part of the circuit which the fluid takes in its motion to restore the equilibrium.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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