XIV. An account of persons who could not distinguish colours. By Mr. Joseph Huddart, in a letter to the Rev. Joseph Priestley, LL.D F.R.S



When I had the pleasure of waiting on you last winter, I had hopes before now of giving you a more perfect account of the peculiarity of vision which I then mentioned to you, in a person of my acquaintance in the North: however, if I give you now the best I am able, I persuade myself you will pardon the delay. I promised to procure you a written account from the person himself, but this I was unfortunately disappointed in, by his dying suddenly of a pleurisy a short time after my return to the country. You will recollect I told you that this person lived at Mary-port in Cumberland, near which place, viz . at Allonby, I myself live, and having known him about ten years have had frequent opportunities of conversing with him. His name was Harris, by trade a shoe-maker. I had often heard from others that he could discern the form and magnitude of all objects very distinctly, but could not distinguish colours. This report having excited by curiosity, I conversed with him frequently on the subject.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Cited by 25 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. John Dalton: The Recognition of Color Deficiency;Foundations of Ophthalmology;2017

2. References;Light and Video Microscopy;2014

3. Genetical Variation and Sense Perception;Ciba Foundation Symposium - Biochemistry of Human Genetics;2008-05-28

4. Genetical Variation and Sense Perception;Ciba Foundation Symposium - Regulation of Cell Metabolism;2008-05-21

5. John Dalton: Though in Error, He Still Influenced Our Understanding of Congenital Color Deficiency;Ophthalmic Genetics;2008-01








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