XXXIV. Description and use of a portable wind gage.



This simple instrument consists of of two glass tubes AB, CD, of five or six inches in length (TAB. X. fig. 1.). Their bores, which are so much the better always for being equal, are each about 4/10ths of an inch in diameter. They are connected together, like a siphon, by a small bent glass tube <italic>a b</italic>, the bore of which is 1/10th of an inch in diameter. On the upper end of the leg AB there is a tube of latten brass, which is kneed or bent perpendicularly outwards, and has its mouth open towards F. On the other leg CD is a cover, with a round hole G in the upper part of it, 2/10ths of an inch in diameter. This cover and the kneed tube are connected together by a slip of brass <italic>c d</italic>, which not only gives strength to the whole instrument, but also serves to hold the scale HI. The kneed tube and cover are fixed on with hard cement or sealing wax.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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