1. [The word London has been omitted from the abbreviated titles of publications
2. of the Geological Society of London the Geologists' Association and the Zoological Society of London and also from the Geological ]
3. 1878. A Trip from Crewe to part of the North Coast of Wales. Macclesfield A. S. Woodward Printer. 31 pages 7f x 4 f.
4. 1882. On the Occurrence of Oxide of Manganese (Wad) in the Yoredale Rocks of East Cheshire. Chemical News Lond. 45 241-243.
5. 1882. On the Occurrence of Oxide of Manganese (Wad) in the Yoredale Rocks of East Cheshire. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 21 115-124.