In the year 1843 a friend of mine, Mr. Ennis of Falmouth, sent me some bottles of seawater from the Mediterranean, which I subjected to a chemical examination, a work which induced me to collect what other chemists had determined about the constitution of the water of the great Ocean. This labour convinced me that our knowledge of, the composition of sea-water was very deficient, and that we knew very little about the differences in composition which occur in different parts of the sea. I entered into this labour more as a geologist than as a chemist, wishing, principally to find facts which could serve as a basis for the explanation of those effects, that have taken place at the formation of those voluminous beds which once were deposited at the bottom of the ocean. I thought that it was absolutely necessary to know with precision the composition of the water of the present ocean, in order to form an opinion about the action of that ocean from which the mountain limestone, the oolite and the chalk with its flint have been deposited, in the same way as it has been of the most material influence upon science to know the chemical actions of the present volcanos, in order to determine the causes which have acted in forming the older plutonic and many of the metamorphic rocks. Thus I determined to undertake a series of investigations upon the composition of the water of the ocean, and of its large inlets and bays, and ever since that time I have assiduously collected and analyzed water from the different parts of the sea. It is evident that it was impossible to collect this material in a short time, and without the assistance of many friends of science, and I most gratefully acknowledge how much I am indebted to many distinguished officers of the Danish and British Navy, as well as to many private men, who were all willing to undertake the trouble carefully to collect samples of sea-water from different parts of the ocean, both from the surface and from different depths. I shall afterwards, when giving the particular analyses, find an opportunity to mention the name of each of those to whom I am indebted for my material.
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52 articles.