A biocodicological analysis of the medieval library and archive from Orval Abbey, Belgium


Ruffini-Ronzani Nicolas1,Nieus Jean-François1,Soncin Silvia2,Hickinbotham Simon2,Dieu Marc3ORCID,Bouhy Julie4,Charles Catherine5,Ruzzier Chiara1ORCID,Falmagne Thomas6,Hermand Xavier1,Collins Matthew J.78ORCID,Deparis Olivier4ORCID


1. Research Centre ‘Pratiques médiévales de l’écrit’, University of Namur, 61 rue de Bruxelles, Namur 5000, Belgium

2. BioArCh, Department of Archaeology, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK

3. Mass Spectrometry platform, University of Namur, 61 rue de Bruxelles, Namur 5000, Belgium

4. Department of Physics, and Heritage, Transmissions and Inheritances Institute, University of Namur, 61 rue de Bruxelles, Namur 5000, Belgium

5. Rare Books Collection, Bibliothèque Universitaire Moretus Platin, University of Namur, 61 rue de Bruxelles, Namur 5000, Belgium

6. Rare Books Collection, National Library of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1855

7. Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3ER, UK

8. GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 1350, Denmark


Biocodicological analysis of parchments from manuscript books and archives offers unprecedented insight into the materiality of medieval literacy. Using ZooMS for animal species identification, we explored almost the entire library and all the preserved single leaf charters of a single medieval Cistercian monastery (Orval Abbey, Belgium). Systematic non-invasive sampling of parchment collagen was performed on every charter and on the first bifolium from every quire of the 118 codicological units composing the books (1490 samples in total). Within the genuine production of the Orval scriptorium (26 units), a balanced use of calfskin (47.1%) and sheepskin (48.5%) was observed, whereas calfskin was less frequent (24.3%) in externally produced units acquired by the monastery (92 units). Calfskin was preferably used for higher quality manuscripts while sheepskin tends to be the standard choice for ‘ordinary’ manuscript book production. This finding is consistent with thirteenth-century parchment accounts from Beaulieu Abbey (England) where calfskin supply was more limited and its price higher. Our study reveals that the making of archival documents does not follow the same pattern as the production of library books. Although the five earliest preserved charters are made of calfskin, from the 1230s onwards, all charters from Orval are written on sheepskin.


Danmarks Grundforskningsfond

Fondation Roi Baudouin

ERC Horizon 2020 Beast2Craft project


The Royal Society



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