Marine mammal skin microbiotas are influenced by host phylogeny


Apprill Amy1ORCID,Miller Carolyn A.1,Van Cise Amy M.2ORCID,U'Ren Jana M.3,Leslie Matthew S.4ORCID,Weber Laura1ORCID,Baird Robin W.5ORCID,Robbins Jooke6ORCID,Landry Scott6,Bogomolni Andrea2,Waring Gordon7


1. Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA

2. Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA

3. BIO5 Institute and Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

4. Biology Department, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA, USA

5. Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA, USA

6. Center for Coastal Studies, Provincetown, MA, USA

7. NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Protected Species Branch, Woods Hole, MA, USA


Skin-associated microorganisms have been shown to play a role in immune function and disease of humans, but are understudied in marine mammals, a diverse animal group that serve as sentinels of ocean health. We examined the microbiota associated with 75 epidermal samples opportunistically collected from nine species within four marine mammal families, including: Balaenopteridae (sei and fin whales), Phocidae (harbour seal), Physeteridae (sperm whales) and Delphinidae (bottlenose dolphins, pantropical spotted dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, short-finned pilot whales and melon-headed whales). The skin was sampled from free-ranging animals in Hawai‘i (Pacific Ocean) and off the east coast of the United States (Atlantic Ocean), and the composition of the bacterial community was examined using the sequencing of partial small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA genes. Skin microbiotas were significantly different among host species and taxonomic families, and microbial community distance was positively correlated with mitochondrial-based host genetic divergence. The oceanic location could play a role in skin microbiota variation, but skin from species sampled in both locations is necessary to determine this influence. These data suggest that a phylosymbiotic relationship may exist between microbiota and their marine mammal hosts, potentially providing specific health and immune-related functions that contribute to the success of these animals in diverse ocean ecosystems.


Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Office of Naval Research Global

WHOI Marine Mammal Center

WHOI Ocean Life Institute


The Royal Society



Reference52 articles.







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