Lise Meitner, 1878-1968


Frisch Otto Robert


Lise Meitner’s name has become widely known for her part in the discovery of nuclear fission, which made atomic power possible, as well as atomic weapons. But among physicists she had been known for many years as one of the early pioneers in the study of radioactivity. Einstein nicknamed her ‘the German Madame Curie’; but though most of her work was done in Berlin she came from Austria and retained her nationality through her life, even after she became a Swedish citizen about eight years before her death. She was born on 7 November 1878 in Vienna where she spent the first third of her life, a town to which she always remained very attached. Another third she worked in Germany. When Austria was occupied by the Nazis she found refuge in Sweden where she stayed for over 20 years. It was only at the age of 81 that she gave up scientific research and retired to England to live out the rest of her days in Cambridge, close to her eldest nephew (the author of this memoir). Her father was Dr Philipp Meitner, a respected lawyer and keen chess player. She was the third among eight children; thus she was used both to being ruled by her two older sisters and ruling over the younger children. Although her parents came from Jewish stock, her father was a freethinker, and the Jewish religion played no role in her education. Indeed, all the children were baptized, and Lise Meitner grew up as a protestant; in later years her views were very tolerant though she would not accept complete atheism.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference139 articles.

1. 1906. Warmeleitung in inhomogenen Korpern. II. Phys. Inst. Wien Bd. 115 Abt. Ha 125. (Dissertation Dr. phil.)

2. 1906. Uber einige Folgerungen die sich aus den Fresnel'schen Reflexions formeln ergeben. S. Ber. preuss Akad. Wiss.; 115 Abt. Ila June 1906.

3. fiber die Absorption der a- und /3-Strahlen;Phys.,1906

4. fiber die Zerstreuung der a-Strahlen;Phys.,1907

5. (With O. H a h n .) fiber die Absorption der /3-Strahlen einiger;Radioelemente. Phys. Z-,1908

Cited by 11 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. First Wave, Second Wave, Third Wave: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics;Women Negotiating Life in the Academy;2020

2. War Medicine as Springboard for Early Knowledge Construction in Radiology;Medicine Studies;2013-07-17

3. Lise Meitner: a 20th century life in physics;Endeavour;2002-03

4. The Rise of a Controversy: Ellis, Meitner and Smekal Advance Different Beta-Spectrum Theories, 1920–1922;Controversy and Consensus: Nuclear Beta Decay 1911–1934;2000

5. The manufacture of the positron;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics;1997-03







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