Part I. The diffraction theory of sea waves and the shelter afforded by breakwaters



The diffraction of sea waves round the end of a long straight breakwater is investigated, use being made of the solutions of mathematically analogous problems in the diffraction of light. The wave patterns and wave heights are determined on both the leeward and windward sides of the breakwater, and for points quite close to the breakwater. This involves some extension of the calculations previously made for optical phenomena. The conditions obtaining in the lee of a small island are discussed. The penetration of waves through a single gap in a long breakwater is examined, and the result is shown to depend very much on whether the gap is small or not compared with the length of the waves. The investigation was suggested by problems arising in the construction of the Mulberry harbours.


The Royal Society


General Engineering

Reference5 articles.

1. Baker B. B. & Copson E. T. 1939 Huygens' principle. Oxford.

2. Proc. Roy;Havelock T. H.;Soc. A,1940

3. Jahnke E. & Emde F. 1945 Funktionentafeln. New York.

4. Lamb H. 1924 Hydrodynamics. Cambridge University Press.

5. Mathematische Theorie der Diffraction

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