1. Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP , Burgstr. 19, Thallichtenberg 66871, Germany
2. Department of Geology and Paleontology, Moravian Museum , Zelný Trh 6, Brno 659 37, Czech Republic
3. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute , Rakowiecka 4, Warszawa 00-975, Poland
4. Department of Archaeology and Museology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University , Joštova 220/13, Brno 662 43, Czech Republic
5. Department of Biology, University of Warsaw , Miecznikowa 1, Warszawa 02-089, Poland
6. Institute of Geological Sciences, Wrocław University , Pl. Maksa Borna 9, Wrocław 50-204, Poland
7. Sudetenstr. 16, Kipfenberg 85110, Germany
8. Naturhistorisches Museum Schloss Bertholdsburg Schleusingen , Burgstr. 6, Schleusingen 98553, Germany