Noise constrains heterospecific eavesdropping more than conspecific reception of alarm calls


Zhou You1ORCID,Radford Andrew N.2ORCID,Magrath Robert D.1ORCID


1. Division of Ecology & Evolution, Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

2. School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK


Many vertebrates eavesdrop on alarm calls of other species, as well as responding to their own species' calls, but eavesdropping on heterospecific alarm calls might be harder than conspecific reception when environmental conditions make perception or recognition of calls difficult. This could occur because individuals lack hearing specializations for heterospecific calls, have less familiarity with them, or require more details of call structure to identify calls they have learned to recognize. We used a field playback experiment to provide a direct test of whether noise, as an environmental perceptual challenge, reduces response to heterospecific compared to conspecific alarm calls. We broadcast superb fairy-wren ( Malurus cyaneus ) and white-browed scrubwren ( Sericornis frontalis ) flee alarm calls to each species with or without simultaneous broadcast of ambient noise. Using two species allows isolation of the challenge of heterospecific eavesdropping independently of any effect of call structure on acoustic masking. As predicted, birds were less likely to flee to heterospecific than conspecific alarm calls during noise. We conclude that eavesdropping was harder in noise, which means that noise could disrupt information on danger in natural eavesdropping webs and so compromise survival. This is particularly significant in a world with increasing anthropogenic noise.


Australian Research Council


The Royal Society

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