1. Quarterly and annual T. echnical Program reports are issued through the U.S. Department of Energy under
2. project num ber EE-2893. Details on most of the subjects discussed herein may be obtained from these reports. In addition the following list indicates a num ber of reports that have been published in the open literature.
3. A nderson G. H . Hsia S .J . & T rachte K. L. 1980 Preprints Div. of Fuel Chem . Am. Chem. Soc. vol. 25 no. 1.
4. Epperly W. R. & T au n to n J . W . 1978 Presented at 85th N ational M eeting of A .I.C h .E . Philadelphia 7 Ju n e .
5. F an t B. T . & B arton W .J . 1978 C an ad a 10 M ay.