1. Admiralty 1 8 9 4 Instructionsfor making observations of the variation of the compass with list of spots on different naval stations specially suitablefor magnetic observations. London: Admiralty.
2. Admiralty iqoi List of magnetic observations made by the officers of H.M. ships and Indian Marine Survey during the years 1890-1900. London: Admiralty.
3. Admiralty 1 9 0 8 List of spots suitablefor magnetic observations and list ofplaces where abnormal variations have been reported. Hydrographic Department no. 211. London: Admiralty.
4. Aki K. & Richards P. G. 1 9 8 0 Quantitative seismology: theory and methods. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
5. Allan D. W. 1 9 6 1 Ph.D. thesis University of Cambridge U.K.