The combustion of aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons I—The slow combustion of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, n -propylbenzene, n -butylbenzene, o -xylene, m -xylene, p -xylene and mesitylene



Recent work upon the kinetics of the oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons has led to the recognition of certain characteristic features that find a ready interpretation in terms of the chain theory of chemical reaction. Thus, for example, both paraffins and olefines exhibit well-defined induction periods, pressure limits of inflammability and a marked sensitivity to the influence of surface, that point directly to the intervention of reaction chains; and although the precise nature of the chain mechanisms is somewhat uncertain a great deal of information is available as to their length, branching characteristics, mutual interactions and stability. Corresponding data for alicyclic and aromatic compounds are, however, very scanty and only in one instance has a comprehensive systematic kinetic study been made. Fort and Hinshelwood (1930) and Amiel (1933 a, b , 1936) have investigated the slow combustion of benzene and find that whilst it shows a general resemblance to ethylene there are certain respects in which significant differences occur. Fort and Hinshelwood concluded that benzene is oxidized by a chain mechanism, the chains initiated predominantly in the gaseous phase being of short continuation.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference6 articles.

1. a C.R;Amiel;Acad. Sci. Paris,1933

2. Z phys;Sorokin;Chem. B,1931

3. Proc. Roy;Hinshelwood;Soc. A,1930

4. Phys. Z;Kow;Sowjet.,1933

5. Proc. Roy;Soc. A,1936

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