Quaternion treatment of the relativistic wave equation



A set of matrices can be found which is isomorphic with any linear associative algebra. For the case of quaternions this was first shown by Cayley (1858), but the first formal representation was made by Peirce (1875, 1881). These were two-matrices, and the introduction of the four-row matrices of Dirac and Eddington necessitated the treatment of a wave function as a matrix of one row (as columns). Quaternions have been used by Lanczos (1929) to discuss a different form of wave equation, but here the Dirac form is discussed, the wave function being taken as a quaternion and the four-row matrices being linear functions of a quaternion. Certain advantages are claimed for quaternion methods. The absence of the distinction between outer and scalar products in the matrix notation necessitates special expedients (Eddington 1936). Every matrix is a very simple function of the fundamental Hamiltonian vectors α, β, γ , so that the result of combination is at once evident and depends only on the rules of combination of these vectors. At all stages the relationship of the different quantities to four-space is at once visible. The Dirac-Eddington matrices, the wave equation and its exact solution by Darwin, angular momentum operators, the general and Lorentz transformation, spinors and six-vectors, the current-density four-vector are treated in order to exhibit the working of this method. S and V for scalar and vector products are used. Quaternions are denoted by Clarendon type, and all vectors are in Greek letters.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference8 articles.

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1. Dirac equation from stereographic projection of the momentum sphere;European Journal of Physics;2023-06-29

2. Pseudo‐differential operator in quaternion space;Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences;2023-03-02

3. Open F-branes;Journal of High Energy Physics;2022-04-13

4. Unscented Particle Filters with Refinement Steps for UAV Pose Tracking;Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems;2021-06

5. F-theory with worldvolume sectioning;Journal of High Energy Physics;2021-04








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