The swelling of charcoal. Part I.—Preliminary experiments with water vapour, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and sulphur dioxide



The experiments of Meehan having shown that charcoal increases in volume when taking up carbon dioxide, it became an obvious step to correlate this expansion with the quantity of gas adsorbed. In this paper a form of extensometer is described which, while sufficiently sensitive and accurate for the measurement of the percentage linear expansion ( x ) of a rod of wood charcoal, was yet compact enough to permit its being sealed up in an all-glass apparatus, so that simultaneous determinations could be made of the weight ( s ) of gas taken up per unit weight of the absorbent. The graphs obtained by plotting the variables x and s have certain interesting characteristics which it will be convenient to describe before dealing with the detailed results. As fig. 1 shows, the coefficient dx/ds increases steadily with s ; thus far the charcoal behaves similarly to many of the common gels, which contract proportionately less in the later stages of drying, owing to the micellæ coming in contact with each other. The swelling of charcoal, however, appears to follow a more regular course than that of the elastic gels, and in the case of ammonia, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide is given within the limits of accuracy of our experiments by hyperbolic equations of the type x = k s /S— s ... where k and S are constants characteristic of each gas. In fig. 1 the experimental values of x have been plotted (for convenience of representation) against s /S. The smooth curves for ammonia of the above form, using appropriate values of the constants. An additional term (a small additive constant over the experimental range) is necessary to represent the behaviour of water vapour.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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