Explosion waves and shock waves V—The shock wave and explosion products from detonating solid explosives



The methods described in Parts I and II of this series of papers (Payman and Woodhead 1931; Payman, Titman and Woodhead 1935) have been used to obtain photographic records of the atmospheric disturbance produced on detonating a cartridge of explosive when it is freely suspended in air, and at the same time to gain some knowledge of the mode of breakdown of the cartridge during detonation. We have used two coal-mining explosives, Rounkol No. 2, a “low-density” explosive containing ammonium nitrate together with a mixture of nitroglycerine and nitroglycol, and Celmonite, an explosive of normal density of the ammonium nitrate class containing no nitroglycerine. The published compositions of these explosives (parts by weight) are as follows: Rounkol No. 2 Celmonite Nitroglycerine and nitroglycol 14-16 — Ammonium nitrate 49-52 65·5-68·5 Trinitrotoluene — 10·5-12·5 Sodium nitrate 8·5-10·5 — Sodium chloride 6-8 19·5-21·5 Plant fibre 15-17 — Resin 0-0·5 — Di-ammonium phosphate 0-0·5 — Moisture 0·5-2·5 0-2 These explosives have the same weight strength as measured by a ballistic pendulum. Their densities were: Rounkol No. 2 0·66 and Cel­monite 1·10; and their rates of detonation Rounkol No. 2 2090 and Celmonite 2950 m./sec. Each explosive was used in cartridges 1 7/16 in. (3·65 cm.) in diameter, wrapped with paper and waxed except when other­wise indicated. No. 6 copper-cased fulminate-chlorate detonators, elec­trically fired, were used for initiation.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference13 articles.

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Cited by 7 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Woolwich, Bruceton, Los Alamos: Munroe Jets and the Trinity Gadget;Nuclear Technology;2021-11-16

2. Crystal sensitivities of energetic materials;Materials Science and Technology;2006-04

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4. Evidence of secondary exothermic reactions in expanding detonation products from condensed explosives;Combustion and Flame;1975-02

5. Penetration by High-Velocity (`Munroe') Jets: I;Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B;1951-04-01








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