In the course of an experimental investigation of the factors determining the critical shear stress of mercury single crystals, it became clear that the distortion of the crystals by gliding took place in a way very different from that illustrated by the classical Polanyi model of gliding. This model represents the crystal in the form of a rod of circular cross-section, which, when stretched, separates into a number of inclined disks or glide lamellae which slide over each other. The planes defining the lamellae are crystallographic and are called glide planes. The relative displacement of the glide lamellae results in the appearance of markings on the crystal surface which are the traces of the intersection of the glide planes with the surface. These, according to the Polanyi model, are elliptical in shape, and so have been called “glide ellipses”, but in this paper the more general term “slip band” will be used. This representation of the process of distortion is in perfect accord with the observed phenomena in the majority of metal crystals. Their slip bands are perfect in shape and can be shown, by X-ray examination, to correspond closely to the traces of crystallographic planes.
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21 articles.