39. The importance of a convenient standard of electro-motive force is now fully recognised. It gives the most available means of measuring currents, especially of large amount, and has been used for this purpose by several experimenters. I may refer to my investigation on the Constant of Magnetic Rotation of Light in Bisulphide of Carbon,* in which the currents were all measured by reference to a Clark cell, whose value was originally obtained by absolute measurements and verified at intervals by the silver voltameter. Clark cells are exceedingly convenient in use, and would doubtless be generally employed, could confidence be felt in their permanence, and in the equality of cells set up by different persons from the same recipe. To these questions I have given much attention; and the result of a large experience is very favourable to the trustworthiness of the cells, if reasonable precautions be observed in charging them. I believe that any one who takes the trouble to set up three or four cells and compares them occasionally, will be in possession of a standard of E.M.F. which he may trust to about ToootL part.
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