1. The following are the chief publications to which it will be necessary to refer in the
2. present communication :- Leydig : ` Lehrbuch der Histologic.' 1857. H enle : `Handbuch der Systematischen Anatomie des Menschen ' vol. ii. 1866. Kolliker : ` Handbuch der Gewebelehre.' 5th edition 1867. P eremeschko : " Ein Beitrag zum Bau der Schilddriise." Zeitschrift fur Wissen
3. schaftliche Zoologie xvii. 1867. Bolleston : `Forms of Animal Life.' 1870. Virchow: `Path ologie des Tumeurs.' French translation. Lect. 22 vol. iii. 1871. W. Muller : Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medizin und Naturwissenschaft vi. 1871. Verson : Article " Thyroid Gland " in Stricker's ` Human and Comparative His
4. tology.' Sydenham Society's translation by H. P ower vol. i. 1871. P. A. Boechat : ` Becherches sur la Structure Normale du Corps Thyroi'de.' Th&se.
5. Paris 1873. Frey : `Histology and Histo-Chemistry.' 4th edition translated by Barker. 1874. Baber : " Contributions to the Minute Anatomy of the Thyroid Gland of the Hog."