Rydberg series and autoionization resonances in the Sc I absorption spectrum



The absorption spectrum of scandium vapour has been photographed in the spectral range 1200 to 3200 A, with 3 and 10 m spectrographs. Six long Rydberg series and two shorter ones have been identified, as combinations with the doublet ground -state of Sc I, 4s 2 3d 2 D3/ 2 , 5/2 . The series all converge on excited states of Sc n and nearly all their members lie in the continua beyond the 3d4s 3 D ground-levels of the ion, consequently showing a variety of autoionization profiles. The series yield a reliable value for the ionization potential of Sc I, which differs by only 2 cm -1 from an earlier estimate. The addition to the series, approximately 800 new lines of Sc I have been found. The majority of these are unclassifiable at present, and are not reported, but 236 of the lines, which locate 118 new odd levels of Sc I, are listed. Also, some major autoionization-broadened features, though not definitely classifiable, are described.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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