The magnetostriction coefficients of nickel



Measurements of the magnetostriction have been made, by means of the strain gauge technique, at room temperature, and at 79 and 5 K , and the results have been analysed in terms of the usual five-coefficient expression for a cubic crystal. The lack of parallelism between the applied magnetic field and the magnetization, due to the magnetic anisotropy, was allowed for by a method which enabled values of the anisotropy coefficients K 1 K 2 and K 3 to be deduced. The magnetostriction coefficients h 3 and h 5 are zero within the experimental uncertainties at all three temperatures and h 3 is certainly too small to produce any significant contribution to K 1 . The temperature dependence of h 1 and h 2 cannot be described by the theory of Callen & Callen (1963).


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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