1. D u rst F . 1970 In tro d u c tio n to laser D oppler-shift anem om etry. L ecture a t In s titu to Superior Tecnico Lisbon (Portugal) A pril 1970 (accepted for publication in TECNICA).
2. D u rst F . & W hitelaw J . H . 1969 A erodynam ic properties of sep arated gas flows: existing m easurem ent techniques a n d a new optical geom etry for th e laser-D oppler anem om eter. Im p erial College Mech. E ng. D ep t. E F /T N /C /23. (See also Prog. Heat M ass Transfer 4 1971.)
3. M easurem ents of localised flow velocities in gases w ith a laser D oppler flowm eter. AP hys;George E .;Lett.,1965
4. G oldstein R . J . & H agen W . F . 1967 T u rb u len t flow m easurem ents utilising th e Dopplershift of scattered laser rad iatio n . P hys. F Iu id s 10 1349.
5. G eschw indigkeitsm essung m it laser-D opplerV erfahren.W issenschaftliche B erichte;A EG -Telefunken,1968