The effects on rubber elasticity of the addition and scission of cross-links under strain



Edwards’s equilibrium theory of rubber elasticity is used to study the effect on the network elasticity of the consecutive addition and removal of cross-links under different strains. The treatment is compared with those of Flory, Scanlan and others based on classical rubber elasticity theory. For a composite network made by first introducing ( v 1 + v 0 1 ) links in an isotropic state, then adding v 2 at deformation λ, and finally removing v 0 1 of the original group, the strain-dependent free energy at some subsequent deformation ξ (relative to the initial unstrained state) is shown under certain conditions to be F (ξ) = ½ kT [( v 1 + ф v 2 ) Ʃ i ξ 2 i + ( v 2 - ф v 2 ) Ʃ iii ) 2 ], where ф = ф{ v 1 , v 0 1 , v 2 ). A similar equation has been obtained by Flory. When v 0 1 = 0, ф = 0, confirming the familar ‘two -network’ theory for this case. The ‘memory’ effects which occur when v 0 1 is non-zero are discussed.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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