The tunable spin-flip Raman laser II. Continuous wave molecular spectroscopy



Frequency calibration and linewidth measurements of the c.w. spin-flip Raman laser (s.f.R.l.) over the range 1905-1850 cm- 1 have been afforded by molecular spectroscopy of the gases carbonyl sulphide, nitric oxide, deuterium bromide and water vapour. Opto-acoustic detection, made possible by the large spectral brightness of the s.f.R.l. (some 10 10 times above th at of a conventional black body source), was shown to be a particularly useful technique. Two regimes of operation of the c.w. s.f.R.l. were investigated. In the spin-saturated regime the output was continuously tunable to within 100 MHz, with a linewidth of ca . 300 MHz, whereas in the cavity mode limited regime the output exhibited discontinuous tuning characterized by mode pulling effects, but with a linewidth some two orders of magnitude lower. A complete band analysis of several vibration-rotation transitions in carbonyl sulphide was made the results agreeing well with previous data. This showed that even with its poorest resolution the c.w. s.f.R.l. is a powerful tool for spectroscopic applications.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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