General methods developed previously (Feinberg 1973; Horn & Jackson 1972; Horn 1973
a, b, c
) are used in order to analyse all mass-action systems with three short complexes. It is shown that there exist in all 43 different isomorphism classes of collections of three short complexes and that the weakly reversible mass-action systems which are associated with 41 of these classes are unconditionally complex balanced. For the remaining mass-action systems the condition on the rate constants is given, which is necessary and sufficient to ensure complex balancing. It is also shown that all weakly reversible mass-action systems with three short complexes are quasithermodynamic and, therefore, exhibit the dynamic regularity which is associated with that condition.
Reference9 articles.
1. E delstein B. 1970 These de d o cto rat U n IV ersity of Brussels.
2. Feinberg M. R . 1973 Archs ration. M ech. A n a Iysis 49 187-194.
3. Glansdorff P . & Prigogine I. 1971 Therm odynam ic theory of structure stability and fluctuations. L ondon: W iley Interscience.
4. H o rn F . & Jack so n R . 1972 Archs ration. M ech. A n a Iysis 47 81-116.
5. H o rn F . 1973 a Archs ration. M ech. A n a Iysis 49 172-186.
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29 articles.