The absorption spectrum of diatomic phosphorus between 1370 and 600 Å



Nine Rydberg series have been observed in the far ultraviolet absorption spectrum of P 2 . Four of these converge to the.(5σ g ) 2 (2π u ) 3 , 2II u (inv.) state of the ion which is established as being the ground state; four to the low-lying ...(5σ g ) (2π u ) 4 , A 2 Ʃ g + state and one to a newly identified (5σ g ) (2π u )3 2πg, F 2 Ʃ + u state. The first ionization potential is found to be 85 229 ± 15 cm-1 (10.567 ± 0.002eV), which is the limit corresponding to the upper component (2II1/2 ) of the inverted X 2II u state. The other limits are observed at 87 179 + 2cm -1 (A 2 Ʃ + g ) and 125 225 ± 10cm -1 (F 2 Ʃ + u ). The series have been interpreted in terms of molecular orbitals and are found to involve excitation of ng , ng , ng and ng for the X 2 II u core; nu , nu , and nu for the A 2 Ʃ + g core and for the A 2 Ʃ + u core. The evaluation and identification of the series limits enables the relative positions of the states of P + 2 to be established. The dissociation energy of P + 2 is estimated to be 4.98 ± 0.01eV.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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