Tiny bubbles challenge giant turbines: Three Gorges puzzle


Li Shengcai


Since the birth of the first prototype of the modern reaction turbine, cavitation as conjectured by Euler in 1754 always presents as a challenge. Following his theory, the evolution of modern reaction (Francis and Kaplan) turbines has been completed by adding the final piece of the element ‘draft-tube’ that enables turbines to explore water energy at efficiencies of almost 100%. However, during the last two and a half centuries, with increasing unit capacity and specific speed, the problem of cavitation has been manifested and complicated by the draft-tube surges rather than being solved. Particularly, during the last 20 years, the fierce competition in the international market for extremely large turbines with compact design has encouraged the development of giant Francis turbines of 700–1000 MW. The first group (24 units) of such giant turbines of 700 MW each was installed in the Three Gorges project. Immediately after commission, a strange erosion phenomenon appeared on the guide vane of the machines that has puzzled professionals. From a multi-disciplinary analysis, this Three Gorges puzzle could reflect an unknown type of cavitation inception presumably triggered by turbulence production from the boundary-layer streak transitional process. It thus presents a fresh challenge not only to this old turbine industry, but also to the fundamental sciences.


The Royal Society


Biomedical Engineering,Biomaterials,Biochemistry,Bioengineering,Biophysics,Biotechnology

Reference92 articles.

1. Application de la machine hydraulique de M. Segner a toutes sortes d'ouvrages et de ses avantages sur les autres machines hydrauliques dont on se sert ordinairement;Euler L;Opera Omnia: Series 2,1753

2. Euler L. 1754 Maximes pour arranger le plus avantageusement les machines destinees a elever de l'eau par le moyen des pompes (Maxims for the most advantageous arrangement of machines that raise water by use of pumps). The Euler Archive. See http://eulerarchive.maa.org/.

3. Nishi M et al. 1984 Surging characteristics of conical and elbow-type draft tubes. In Proc. IAHR 12th Symp. on Hydraulic Machinery in the Energy Related Industries Stirling UK 27–30 August 1984 pp. 272–283. Glasgow UK: National Engineering Laboratory.

4. Nishi M et al. 1982 Flow regimes in an elbow-type draft tube. In Proc. of IAHR 11th Symp. Amsterdam The Netherlands 13–17 September 1982 vol. 2 pp. 38/1–13. International Association for Hydraulic Research Section for Hydraulic Machinery Equipment and Cavitation.

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