A rotary molecular motor that can work at near 100% efficiency


Kinosita Kazuhiko12,Yasuda Ryohei2,Noji Hiroyuki2,Adachi Kengo23


1. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kew University, Hiyoshi, Kohoku–ku, Yokohama 223–8522, Japan

2. Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology–‘Genetic Programming’ Team 13, Teikyo University Biotechnology Center, 3F, Mogawa, Miyamae–ku, Kawasaki 216–0001, Japan

3. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University, Kakuma–machi, Kanazawa 920–11, Japan


A single molecule of F 1 –ATPase is by itself a rotary motor in which a central γ–subunit rotates against a surrounding cylinder made of α 3 β 3 –subunits. Driven by the three βs that sequentially hydrolyse ATP, the motor rotates in discrete 120° steps, as demonstrated in video images of the movement of an actin filament bound, as a marker, to the central γ–subunit. Over a broad range of load (hydrodynamic friction against the rotating actin filament) and speed, the F motor produces a constant torque of ca . 40 pN nm. The work done in a 120° step, or the work per ATP molecule, is thus ca . 80 pN nm. In cells, the free energy of ATP hydrolysis is ca . 90 pN nm per ATP molecule, suggesting that the F 1 motor can work at near 100% efficiency. We confirmed in vitro that F 1 indeed does ca . 80 pN nm of work under the condition where the free energy per ATP is 90 pN nm. The high efficiency may be related to the fully reversible nature of the F 1 motor: the ATP synthase, of which F 1 is a part, is considered to synthesize ATP from ADP and phosphate by reverse rotation of the F motor. Possible mechanisms of F 1 rotation are discussed.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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