Navigating Amazonia under uncertainty: past, present and future environmental governance


Boyd Emily1


1. Centre for the Environment, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford UniversitySouth Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3YB, UK


One of the major environmental challenges of the twenty-first century is the continued rapid deforestation of Amazonia. The 2005 dieback crisis emphasizes the unprecedented challenges facing Brazil. The examination of past and present institutions for ecosystem management, in Amazonia, shows structural barriers across public, private and community arrangements. The adaptive governance concept helps to understand why these institutions are failing to deliver sustainable futures. In looking forward, it is encouraging to see that important networks of knowledge and a number of novel initiatives are emerging in Brazil. These new arrangements are novel in the way that they seem to be adaptive and navigate structures in the hope of overcoming insurmountable drivers of deforestation.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference39 articles.

1. A greener revolution in the making? Environmental governance in the 21st century;Agrawal A;Environment,2007

2. Berkes F& Seixas C.S Lessons from community self-organization and cross-scale linkages in four equator initiative projects. 2004 Winnipeg Canada:Centre for Community-Based Resource Management Natural Resources Institute University of Manitoba.

3. The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: Gender, power, and decision-making in climate mitigation

4. Exploring socioeconomic impacts of forest based mitigation projects: Lessons from Brazil and Bolivia







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