Psychophysics of sweet and fat perception in obesity: problems, solutions and new perspectives


Bartoshuk Linda M1,Duffy Valerie B12,Hayes John E2,Moskowitz Howard R3,Snyder Derek J1


1. Section of Otolaryngology, Department of Surgery, Yale University School of MedicinePO Box 208041, New Haven, CT 06520-8041, USA

2. Department of Allied Health Sciences, School of Allied Health, University of Connecticut358 Mansfield Road, Storrs, CT 06269-2101, USA

3. Moskowitz Jacobs Inc., 1025 Westchester Ave.White Plains, NY 10604, USA


Psychophysical comparisons seem to show that obese individuals experience normal sweet and fat sensations, they like sweetness the same or less, but like fat more than the non-obese do. These psychophysical comparisons have been made using scales (visual analogue or category) that assume intensity labels (e.g. extremely ) which denote the same absolute perceived intensity to all. In reality, the perceived intensities denoted by labels vary because they depend on experiences with the substances to be judged. This variation makes comparisons invalid. Valid comparisons can be made by asking the subjects to rate their sensory/hedonic experiences in contexts that are not related to the specific experiences of interest. Using this methodology, we present the evidence that the sensory and hedonic properties of sweet and fat vary with body mass index. The obese live in different orosensory and orohedonic worlds than do the non-obese; the obese experience reduced sweetness, which probably intensifies fat sensations, and the obese like both sweet and fat more than the non-obese do. Genetic variation as well as taste pathology contribute to these results. These psychophysical advances will impact experimental as well as clinical studies of obesity and other eating disorders.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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