1. E. G. T. Liddell ‘Charles Scott Sherrington’ Obit. Not. Fell. R. Soc. 8 241–270 (1952).
2. C. S. Sherrington The integrative action of the nervous system (Yale University Press New Haven 1906).
3. E. M. Tansey ‘ “I'll ask my friend Professor Sherrington if he wants a Lab Boy”: an oral-history interview with T. J. Surman’ Physiol. Soc. Mag. 26 27–28 (1997).
4. F. G. Hopkins ‘Benjamin Moore’ Proc. R. Soc. B 101 xvii–xix (1927).
5. See W. J. O'Connor British physiologists 1885–1914. A biographical dictionary (Manchester University Press 1991) pp. 374–375 for details of Edward Whitley and the establishment of the Chair in Biochemistry at Oxford; see also Hopkins op. cit. (note 4) pp. xviii–xix.