1. A ristotle 3 8 4 -3 2 2 b .c . Historia animaliumV X X II. [Original tex t and translation: see the Loeb classical library ( 1970) vol. 2 p. 191 (transl. A. L. Peck). L ondon: W illiam H einem ann L td ; Cambridge M assachusetts: Harvard U n IV ersity Press.]
2. A Study on Flavonoids of Propolis
3. N ,N -dim eth ylform am id e d ineopentyl acetal: a reagent for esterifying carboxylic acids w ith benzyl alcohols. int;Buchi H .;Ed.,1964
4. Identification d 'un nouveau produit naturel, le d ih y d ro x y -2 ,6 -m eth o x y -4 -dibenzoylm ethane, extrait des bourgeons due peuplier Populus nigra. hebd;Chadenson M.;Acad. Paris D,1971
5. U n nouveau ty p e de com poses naturels: les dihydroxy-2,5-flavanones. C.r. hebd;Chadenson M.;Seanc. Acad. Sci. Paris,1972