Neonatal tolerance of H-2 alloantigens. I. I region modulation of tolerogenic potential of K and D antigens



By utilizing H-2 congenic strains of mice and appropriate recombinants, it has been possible to determine that Class I alloantigens (of K and D region genes) function poorly as tolerogens when inoculated into neonatal recipients. Alternatively, Class II alloantigens (encoded by I region genes) are excellent tolerogens. Moreover, Class I alloantigens are converted to good tolerogens when conjoined in the tolerizing inoculum with Class II alloantigens. The I subregions in which genes reside that mediate this tolerance-promoting effect are IJ and/or IE . It is suggested that elicitation of a suppressor mechanism, perhaps related to IJ region alloantigens, is responsible.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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