The classification of the elements



Although no direct evidence acceptable to chemists has been adduced which in any way justifies the belief that the elements are decomposible, it is impossible £o resist the conclusion that they are genetically related—so closely in many respects do they resemble a series of related compounds, especially when regarded from the point of view of the organic chemist. The generalisation known as the Periodic Law is in itself a justification of this view: the manner in which interrelationship becomes manifest when they are classified in accordance with its canons, being probably the strongest of all the arguments which can be cited as tending to show that the elements are compounds—but compounds very different from those with which we are accustomed to deal. Even in the form in which it was put forward by Mendeleeff, however, the periodic generalisation is but a first approximation: and the great Russian has himself pointed out that it needs improvement and development. As chemists are beginning to recognise this, I venture to submit a scheme of classification which I have been led to draw up in writing an article for the forthcoming Supplement to the ‘Encyclopedia Britannica.’ The article, I may say, was sent to press in May, 1900 and the first proof before me is dated November 20, 1900.


The Royal Society


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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