1. Bayliss A. 1999 Validation and update of flood peak data. In Flood estitmation handbook (ed. A. Robson & D. Reed) vol. 3 pp. 261-272. Wallingford UK: Institute of Hydrology.
2. Bayliss A. & Jones R. 1993 Peaks-over-threshold flood database: summary statistics and seasonality. Institute of Hydrology Wallingford Report no. 121.
3. Major flooding and increased flood frequency in Scotland since 1988
4. CEH Wallingford and the Met Office 2001a To what degree can the October/November 2000 flood events be attributed to climate change? Technical Report FD2304. Contract to DEFRA and the Environment Agency Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Wallingford. Available at http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/floodingincidents/floodinf.htm.
5. CEH Wallingford and the Met Office 2001b To what degree can the October/November 2000 flood events be attributed to climate change? Final Report FD2304. Contract to DEFRA and the Environment Agency Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Wallingford. Available at http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/floodingincidents/floodinf.htm.