Hydrogen energy


Edwards P.P1,Kuznetsov V.L1,David W.I.F2


1. University of Oxford, Inorganic Chemistry LaboratorySouth Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, UK

2. ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryChilton, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, UK


The problem of anthropogenically driven climate change and its inextricable link to our global society's present and future energy needs are arguably the greatest challenge facing our planet. Hydrogen is now widely regarded as one key element of a potential energy solution for the twenty-first century, capable of assisting in issues of environmental emissions, sustainability and energy security. Hydrogen has the potential to provide for energy in transportation, distributed heat and power generation and energy storage systems with little or no impact on the environment, both locally and globally. However, any transition from a carbon-based (fossil fuel) energy system to a hydrogen-based economy involves significant scientific, technological and socio-economic barriers. This brief report aims to outline the basis of the growing worldwide interest in hydrogen energy and examines some of the important issues relating to the future development of hydrogen as an energy vector.


The Royal Society


General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,General Mathematics

Reference21 articles.

1. Synthesis and crystal structure of Li4BH4(NH2)3

2. The Hydrogen Economy

3. Global challenges in energy

4. Dutton A. G. 2002 Hydrogen energy technology. Tyndall Working Paper TWP 17. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change p. 30. Available from: http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/publications/working_papers/wp17.pdf.

5. A figure of merit assessment of the routes to hydrogen








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