VI. On the variation with temperature of the rate of a chemical change



In a study of the laws of connexion between the conditions of a chemical change and its amount, whose results have been communicated at intervals to the Royal Society, one of the conditions varied was the temperature of the solution in which the change took place. On considering the numerical results, our first observation was that the increase of rate due to increase of temperature could be nearly represented for equal increments of temperature by a geometric progression. The rate was approximately doubled by each rise of ten degrees in the temperature of the solution. But the ratio of the series gradually diminished as the temperature rose, and a formula had to be found giving a series of this kind. For the way in which such a formula was found, see ‘Phil. Trans.,’ Series A, vol. 186, pp. 855-866.


The Royal Society


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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1. Isokinetics;The Journal of Physical Chemistry A;2019-02-26

2. A Brief Introduction to the History of Chemical Kinetics;Introducing the Effective Mass of Activated Complex and the Discussion on the Wave Function of this Instanton;2018-07-18

3. From the Onset to the First Large-Scale Industrial Processes;The Development of Catalysis;2017-02-28

4. Application of Non-Arrhenius Method for Analyzing the Decomposition Kinetics of SrCO3 and BaCO3;Journal of the American Ceramic Society;2007-12-07

5. Chapter 4 The influence of temperature on reaction rate;Thermal Decomposition of Ionic Solids;1999







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