X. The colour-physiology of higher crustacea



The chromatophores of Crustacea present many problems physiological and morpho­logical. The first attempt to formulate these problems, and, by experimental methods, to solve them, is due to Pouchet. His Memoir, ‘Changements de Coloration sous l’influence des nerfs,’ is a classic of biological literature. It forms the basis of our present knowledge of the colour-physiology of Crustacea. The scope of Pouchet’s work is very wide. It includes the histology of the chromatophores, the chief chemical reactions of the more common pigments, the phenomena of pigment-movement under various extrinsic stimuli, such as light, electricity and drugs, the analysis of the effective light-factor, and experimental proof of the mode of action of this factor. These investigations were carried out chiefly onPalærnon serratusandCrangon vulgaris; of other forms, young lobsters andHippolytewere occasionally employed.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference18 articles.

1. 1861. B eneden J. P. van. " Becherches sur les Crustaces du littoral de Belgique " ` Memoires de l'Acad. royale de Belgique ' vol. 33.

2. 1867. Sars G. O. `Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces d'eau douce de Norvege ' vol. 1 p. 14.

3. 1868. B ert P. " Les Animaux voient-ils les memes rayons Iumineux que nous " `Memoires d. 1. Societe des Sciences physiques Bordeaux ' vol. 6 p. 375. (Daptinia preferred yellow and green rays.)

4. 1889. -------- " Si tous les Animaux voient les memes rayons que nous " ` Arch. physiol norm et pathol. ' vol. 2 p. 547.

5. -------- " Sur la visibility des divers rayons du spectre pour les Animaux;`Comptes Bendus,',1869








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