Dudley Brian Spalding. 9 January 1923—27 November 2016


Launder Brian E.1,Patankar Suhas V.2,Pollard Andrew3


1. Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 9PL, UK

2. President, Innovative Research, Inc., 3025 Harbor Lane N, Suite 300, Plymouth, MN 55447, USA

3. Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario K7 L 3N6, Canada


Over a remarkably productive professional life Brian Spalding largely shaped the development of numerical procedures for computing complex turbulent flows. He created a major software company, CHAM, through which the fruits of his group's research could be made available to industry and other research groups across the globe. Thus, he became the outstanding founding figure in the subject now called computational fluid dynamics (CFD). His contributions were by no means limited to strategies for converting systems of non-linear partial differential equations to forms suitable for computer solution; he also brought notable innovations to the physical modelling of combustion, turbulence and two-phase flows. Besides research, he engaged deeply with the research community in heat and mass transfer, becoming a founding editor of two international journals in these areas, and a principal driver behind the creation of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer in Belgrade. He also served as the inaugural scientific chairman of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. He led a protracted and ultimately successful campaign to enable Veniamin Levich to leave the Soviet Union to settle in Israel. Outside of his technical work, his principal passions were poetry and the Russian language, which were intertwined in several published volumes.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference72 articles.

1. A tribute to D. B. Spalding and his contributions to science and engineering;Artemov V.;Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer,2009

2. Begell, W. 1983 Interview with D. Brian Spalding. In Numerical prediction of flow, heat transfer, turbulence and combustion (ed. S. V. Patankar, A. Pollard, A. K. Singhal & S. P. Vanka). New York, NY: Pergamon Press. See http://www.academia.edu/9790555/Numerical_Prediction_Of_flow.heat_transfer.turbulence_And_Combustion.

3. On the solution of nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations by finite differences

4. Dunham K. C. 1972 Letter from Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Herlofson ICSU Committee on the free circulation of scientists. FCS/JJFD/TAP 7 June 1972 (see Royal Society Folder RMA434 which contains extensive correspondence between the Royal Society and those involved in the Levich campaign).

5. Farren, W. S. 1945 Farren mission to study German aircraft, aircraft engine and armament industries. AVIA 10/411 report. Kew, UK: The National Archives.

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